Welcome. This site aims to serve as an online resource for aloe hybrids and cultivars. In the last few years, we’ve seen ever more proliferation of new hybrids. They will sometimes be inaccurately labeled or share duplicate names. This site aims to aid in descriptions and identification of hybrids in cultivation. Not all hybrids will have information about the parents and lineage, either because of the hybridizer’s choosing or it is not always recorded or known. Some hybrids may be officially introduced or published, others may just be released, either in large quantities via tissue culture or slowly distributed via offsets.
Hopefully you will find the site and descriptions helpful. If there is a description you feel is inaccurate or incomplete, please send an email.
The plants shown here are not available for sale on this site. However, aloe hybrids can be purchased through The Huntington Botanical, online nurseries, or from specialty growers at local cactus and succulent society sales. Be aware that hybrid names and other information can be incorrect—this is more true with online auction sites.
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This site is purely for informational purposes, and is intended for personal, non-commercial use. You are prohibited from using the images and content for commercial purposes such as eBay auctions and nursery catalogs (online and printed). Images and content may not be used for other purposes without prior written permission.